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Key Information
Rope Material | Polyester |
Rope Diameter | 10mm |
Length | Sold by metre |
Construction | Twisted 3 strand |
Treated With | No treatment |
Weight | 0.09kg |
Strength & Breakloads
Safe Working Load | 235kg |
Break Load | 1650kg |
Break Load Certified? | Yes |
Strength: Wet vs Dry | No change |
Manufacturing Standards
ISO Certified? | Yes |
ISO Manufacturing Standard | EN ISO 1141 |
Manufactured In | Europe |
Look, Feel & Smell
Odour | None |
Handling | Soft & smooth |
Colour | White |
Density & Buoyancy
Density | 1.38 |
Floats? | No |
Degradation Resistance
Biodegradable | No |
Rot Resistant | Yes |
UV Resistance | High |
Abrasion Resistance | High |
Acid Resistance | Good |
Alkali Resistance | Poor |
Melting / Char Point
Melt / Char Point | 260C |
Ease of Splicing | Easy |
Knot Retention | Moderate |
Handling | Soft & smooth |
Effects of Water & Moisture
Floats? | No |
Strength: Wet vs Dry | No change |
Swells When Wet | No |
Elongation at Breakpoint | Low |
Stretch | Low elasticity |
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